Zonta Club of KW in the Media
- "Donor Spotlight," Grand River Hospital Foundation Newsletter, November 2011
"Cover Girl Culture," Bob Vrbanac, Chronicle staff, Waterloo Chronicle, November 22, 2011
- "Cover Girl Culture film designed to empower girls," Valerie Hill, The Record, November 22, 2011
"Birthing kits save mothers' lives in Haiti," Ashley Csanady, The Record, October 24, 2011
- "Steinem 'a secret Canadian,'" The Canadian Press, September 2011
"Camisole Article," HopeSpring Newsletter, Spring 2011
- "Local women receive recognition from Zonta," The Record, April 21, 2011
"Birthing kits help save lives in Haiti," The Waterloo Chronicle, March 29, 2011
- "Zonta honours four distinguished women," Valerie Hill, The Record, March 17, 2011
"Film examines female circumcision" Melissa Tait, The Record, March 7, 2011
- "Local birthing kits saving lives globally," Brent Davis, The Record, December 1, 2010
"Sunday's Zonta fundraiser hopes to capitalize on fun," Valerie Hill, The Record, November 2, 2010
- "Zonta Club Celebrating International Women's Day with fundraiser," Charlotte Prong, Waterloo Chronicle, March 2010
"Zonta Club does wonderful job of helping women," Lynn Haddrall, Waterloo Region Record, November 21, 2009
- "Women take the lead in Zonta," Valerie Hill, Waterloo Region Record, November 20, 2009
"Men blamed for sex trade," Melissa Cupovic, The Cord Weekly, March 11, 2009
2008 and previous
- "A Student's Guide to Success" - a Profile on Julie Mitchell, Jane M. Klausman Award International winner, Grand - July 2007
"Business student Julie Mitchell wins Zonta Club's International Woman in Business award," WLU News, October 27, 2006
- "Fight for equality not over, women told," The Record, October 23, 2006
"Zonta honours work in arts," The Record, February 16, 2006
- "Two awards mark 40 years in Zonta," The Record, January 4, 2006
"Change electoral system to get more female MPs, speaker says," The Record, October 29, 2005
- "Surviving, thriving," The Record, June 21, 2005
"Trailblazer still inspiring women," The Record, February 20, 2004

Janoah poses with Guest Adjudicator Elizabeth Witmer after winning Zonta's $1000 Young Women in Public Affairs award. Janoah's a high school student who has shown commitment to public service through volunteerism and leadership. Congrats, Janoah!

Timea Nagy, a survivor of human trafficking and founder of "Walk with Me Canada Victim Services," will tell us about her experiences at our June 19 general meeting. (Photo courtesy of iAsk.ca)

On Mother's Day weekend, Zontians and their friends and family members came together to make birthing kits that prevent infection and save the lives of women and children in Haiti. Click on the link to learn more about this important project in The Record!

Janoah poses with Guest Adjudicator Elizabeth Witmer after winning Zonta's $1000 Young Women in Public Affairs award. Janoah's a high school student who has shown commitment to public service through volunteerism and leadership. Congrats, Janoah!